~~We LOVE The Gospel Of Jesus Christ~~


Sunday, September 23, 2012

September Memories Made in 2009

Sept 1st- LIahona remembers how Caleb would play the throw game and would pick up Montey and throw him onto a pillow on the couch. Montey would laugh so hard he would want to have Caleb do it again.

Sept 2nd- Mom remembers how Caleb would take the time to play soccer with Montey, teaching him how to kick the ball back and forth with Caleb.

Sept 3rd- Mom remembers how Caleb would encourage Montey to play rough with him, and to wrestle with him and to play fight and hit him, especially on Caleb's stomach when he was lying down.

Sept 4th- Tamara remembers how Caleb always loved to eat candy and always wanted treats.

Sept 5th- Tamara remembers how Caleb would match her Barbie movies with her. (that is if all his computer time was up, and he was bored with nothing else to do.)

Sept 6th- Mom remembers how the movie 'The Spiderwick Chronicles' would scare Caleb, and he doesn't scare too easily. So he would tough through it if his sisters wanted to watch it. Or he would act like he didn't want to watch a movie, if that was the chosen one for the day.

Sept 7th- Mom remembers the last time going to the movies on a Mother-Son outing. And both being scared of the movie 'Coraline.'

Sept 8th- Liahona remembers going sledding together as a family on the mountain and Caleb slid down right into the whole 'of which they called the snake pit' and just laughed and giggled when he came out. What a great sport, to laugh in the face of danger. =)

Sept 9th- Tamara remembers how Caleb loved to play with his turtle Alex.
Tamara remembers how he saved two turtles from being run over by dad as he was mowing the lawn. And how she found the third which she named Max. And Liahona named her's Peter.

Sept 10th- Mom remembers how Caleb loved black olives. The only one in our family.
Liahona remembers how Caleb would put the olives on all his fingers and go Arrr and chase her and Tamara.

Sept 11th- Tamara remembers how she would chase Caleb and try to kiss him! And he would run away from her, yelling for Help and Liahona would try and help him.

Sept 17th- Liahona remembers how Caleb would play tease Tamara by taking one of her babies and say, 'Tamara I have your baby.' She would say 'Hey' and run after him to get it. (Sometimes he would give it to Liahona and Liahona would pass it back to Caleb.)

Sept 18th- Tamara remembers how Caleb loved to play fighting computer games.

Sept 19th- Liahona remembers that Caleb's favorite action figures to play were his star war guys,( yet he didn't play with them very much because he always said he didn't have enough guys to play with. And always wanted more battle droids.)

Sept 20- Liahona remembers when she would play tug-of-war with Caleb, she would always win. And he was always a good sport at first but with each loss he would get more mad and yell 'That's not fair' and stomp off.

Sept 21th- Mom remembers how Caleb had the most sensitive nose ever. He was always complaining about how something was always SO smelly.

Sept 22nd- Liahona remembers how Caleb was afraid of elevators and going upstairs where you can see down through the cracks.

Sept 23rd- Tamara remembers sometimes Caleb would be mean to her, but would apologize and say he was sorry. Then they would play together again.

Sept 24th- Liahona remembers using the mickey mouse walkie talkies and playing on the mountain with Caleb. And they would take turns hiding on the mountains and the other would find them, as the one hiding would give them directions to their hiding spot.

Sept 25th- Mom remembers how her and Caleb would use a secret code with saying I love you. We would blink three times back and forth at each other to say we loved one another. (This started when he was a young toddler.)

Sept 26th- Tamara remembers how Caleb would always play magnetics with her and Liahona.

Sept 27th- Tamara remembers how Caleb would always share his cars with her.

Sept 28th- Liahona remembers when going hiking summer or winter time as a family or with friends, her and Caleb would always jump into the holes where the trees used to be. Liahona would say 'Wheee' and Caleb would say 'Arrr' when falling into the holes.

Sept 29th- Dad remembers how Caleb did not like germs. And how we wouldn't ever have to remind Caleb to wash his hands because he would always remembers to do it himself, all on his own.

Sept 30th- Tamara remembers that Caleb's favorite kind of chips were Bar-B-Que flavor chips.

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