~~We LOVE The Gospel Of Jesus Christ~~


Monday, March 25, 2013


Dear Caleb,

This past month has been pretty interesting to say the least. I have been experiencing what I would like to call "moments."I have been trying to get sparks of any kind of interest, to get me moving and feeling connected to this life again. I keep thinking that perhaps I just need to go back to my roots of what I liked doing before: dancing, photography, scrap booking, running... And it would fan those sparks and turn into desires and passion again to pick up and start anew. This is were I have been having my "moments." I get an inkling of interest that will come out of no where and I will feel passionate about it for a day or two, and then it would stop. Then I will think of something else, feel all passionate about that, and then it too would stop. I am searching and hoping for that certain "moment" that will engrave on my soul to stay. I just wished that I had such natural talent at something, ANYTHING, that I could just start off at and work from there, but I do not.

I want to leave behind a legacy of something that I have done, something that I have accomplished, some imprint that I have left behind for your siblings when it is time for me to go be with you. I do not want to live my life in idle anymore- it is time to move, but I do not know in what, nor in what way.
I sure hope I find my niche soon, I feel that I am just on borrowed time, and it is ticking.

One thing that I found to see in a different light these days is facebook. Before the accident I was on it probably more then I should have, when I could have spent more time with you and I HATED myself for it. So I VOWED to NEVER be on facebook again. I would only reactivate my account long enough every once in awhile to get people's contact information, then I would deactivate it. Your father reactivated my account 2 summers ago, and I kept going back and forth deciding if I should keep it open or to close it. I have come to realize that for me to leave it open could potentially be a selfish thing if I were to spend more time in cyber space then in the physical world with those that I love. But to have me completely close it would be a selfish motive because I would be saying that those distant friends and family mean nothing to me to stay in touch with them... and I wouldn't want them to feel that way. It is also through facebook that I have learned, that it is a great support system with more than just the physical family and friends living around me. And I have felt the great importance to be there for those friends and family, because when I see that there is a need (that only one who knows grief can see), I am able to take almost immediate action into bringing comfort and support their way.

I can see myself moving, but it is in very small increments. Another thing about moving is that I made it to a place I NEVER thought I would come too. I am now okay with us moving away, if we come to that path again for our family, I do not need to stay here anymore. This Easter season speaks this truth to me all the more intently, "Your site is empty, for you are Risen." I know that God raised Christ from the tomb, and so has he you for your mission. And when Christ comes you will be coming down as a Resurrected being to us. So, I do not need to be where you are not, for your site is empty, and I can rejoice in this gift, in this knowledge at this most JOYEST TIME EVER! Oh how I LOVE EASTER! Oh how I LOVE JESUS CHRIST, and making this ALL possible for us all to be together again.

Happy Easter K-bub! Happy, Happy Easter to YOU.
With All My Love, Love Your Mommy

1 comment:

  1. Caleb boy- You have such a great family. If they move, I hope it is closer to us because we miss seeing them often. It's funny how we have lived in washington now as long as we lived in Nebraska- it goes so quickly! Such good times there- and wonderful memories.
    You mom was such a strength to me while we lived there, like a sister! That is one of her talents, she is so thoughtful and always willing to help otheres. She is a great photographer too! Some of my favorite pics are ones she took. She is a great teacher. I admire the patience she has to teach each of your siblings. She is a great with kids. She was so fun to watch teaching primary! I know Heavenly Father has great plans for her and her many talents.
    We miss you buddy boy. This Easter, and always, we are grateful for the Savior and our knowledge of Him. xoxo
