~~We LOVE The Gospel Of Jesus Christ~~


Thursday, September 24, 2009

Our 1st Difficult Month


It is so hard to wake up each morning knowing that we don't get to see your sweet face smiling at us. So today is the anniversary of our terrible accident. And as I said before, "I am so sorry!" Gosh we love you so much, I am sorry that we weren't able to pick out that scout shirt for you, or to have you pick out your first pocket knife. You mentioned while we were driving that you were hungry and we were going to stop at the store on the way home to buy bread for you to make a sandwich when we got home, and you were going to show me what the "S" gum was that you wanted to buy. I loved hearing you talk about football, and how excited you were that Football season was starting up again. You were so excited that the Oregon Ducks opening game was going to be on that week. And the cute little boy that you are, we would have let up stay up late with your daddy to watch it. It wasn't the same watching it without you. We hope that you are doing better in heaven, because we are a mess here on earth. This pain is terrible, one that I would NEVER wish upon my worst of worst enemies, not that I do have any, but no one should ever have to loose their precious children. It should have been you saying goodbye to us, as we got old and gray.
Please always know that WE Love you! Love your Mommy


Liahona remembers how Caleb would play the throw game and would pick up Montey and would throw him onto a pillow on the couch. And Montey would laugh so hard he would want to have Caleb do it again, and again.

Tamara remembers that Caleb's favorite colors were Black and Gold.

Mom (Tanya) remembers how her and Caleb would use a secret code with saying I love you. We would blink three times back and forth at each other, to say we loved one another.

Dad (Eric) remembers how Caleb would get online and go to ESPN to see what teams were playing that week. And would happily announce to his dad what games he wanted to watch that week. (Each new season represented what sport he was currently into.

Fall= College Football
Winter= College Basketball, loved doing his own brackets for March Madness
Spring= Soccer for him
Summer= Pro Baseball

*Please leave your memories of Caleb here on his site, under any comment box.
Thank you


  1. Caleb, your were Brad's first friend although I doubt either of you remember it. I remember swapping babysitting with your parents when we were all poor college students. You were always so adorable, but you loved your Mom and Dad, that was for sure. When your sister came to join your family, you made an emergency visit to stay with us until Grandma came. After 4 or 5 years we were so delighted to here that your family had moved to Nebraska. We could always count on our boys getting along and having so much fun with you. In fact they started to refer to you and your siblings as their cousin.

  2. Caleb, we never got to meet you, but our lives have always been a part of you and your families lives. Your parents have been our friends since the Ricks College Days. We were excited for the announcement of your arrival on this earth. Our little son wasn't too far behind you. I have always admired and loved the family that your parents have built. They are amazing people. I have looked up to your mother in many ways. I love the energy and love that she has for her precious family. I am sure that you will be able to bless your family immensely from the other side of the veil. It takes a lot of faith though to feel that when the emptiness seems so unbearable. Remember to give your parents a lot of hugs from heaven. Our thoughts and prayers are with them.
    with love,
    The Hoggan Family

  3. Caleb,

    Soooo many fun memories, watching you and your sisters play outside, and watching you and your sisters play with my nieces:)!! And the first 4th of July we were here and we had our neighborhood picnic and fireworks. And the one summer all of neighborhood kids including you and your sisters I think came over to our backyard and jumped into our wading pool it was soooo funny seeing all you kids in that small pool:)!! I loved how excited you got about things, and how much you loved life and loved your family!!

    Love you,

  4. Caleb, I remember the very first time we ever met. I had been struggling with depression and prayed to Heavenly Father for a friend, not just any friend, but a dear, special friend. One of those friends that are dear and special for a lifetime, or longer... an eternity. And one day, they drove into our apartment complex, in the exact same car that we had. They were both short and blonde, just like us. They were both from Washington and yet met at Ricks College. The list of similarities goes on... And that day, when they drove in and we met, I looked in the back seat to find the most adorable little boy with such a special smile!! That was you!! We spent many days creating memories together at Anna Maria Apartments. My favorite was Halloween, when your Mommy and I stuffed our faces with pudding (no hands included!), while my two little pumpkins and her cute little spider (you) played on the floor together. It was sad to move away from there but we tried to visit as often as possible. Or call when we couldn't visit. We continued to come back and visit, every so often, while your family lived in Spokane. Between visits, your Mommy would tell me all about how you and your sisters were doing. Our last visit was when we came and visited when you lived in Salem. I remember how you were a bit shy at first and yet then you were so active, and excited to play. You showed my girls around your house and through the tents and tunnels your Mom put up in the back yard. And you still had that special smile! You are truly a special spirit Caleb. I know that Heavenly Father has a special mission for you!

  5. I came here today to find a spot to thank your mommy for joining my benmakesten blog Caleb.
    My heart is so touched to arrive and find this BEAUTIFUL space, created JUST to honor you.
    Though I did not have the honor of knowing you, nor have I had the privilege of meeting your beautiful mommy face to face...she DOES hold a very special place in my heart and prayers; for I knew the first time we met online that she was a BEAUTIFUL SOUL and that she LOVES YOU so very much! What I remember most about you is the first time I saw the great photo of your family all in red...YOUR SMILE and TWINKLING EYES jumped RIGHT OFF THE PAGE AND INTO MY HEART! "What a happy child" I thought.
    I had a very very very special friend, who was 9 years old named Tommy...he died this past summer after a long-fought battle with Leukemia.
    The disease was gone...but the effects of the treatment proved too much for his little body to bear...I know that we have pain every day trying to go on without him...and so I understand how much the greater your family's sorrow must be. I am happy to have both you and my friend Tommy to be prayer warriors for me IN HEAVEN WITH JESUS now...thank you for your smile Caleb, which blessed me even though we've never met.


    Mrs. Dudich
